First Week, but week 1940

First Week, but week 1940

I can’t believe I’ve been alive 1940 weeks, but this is the first time in a long time, maybe even the actual FIRST time, but I feel more productive and successful personally than I ever have felt.  Just by tracking and documenting this has helped me wake up a lot and be front of time.

I’ve decided to adopt the KETO diet again… The last time I did it I dropped 70 lbs… I’m not as heavy I was I the last time, but I’m easily 40lbs heavier than when I ‘got busy’ and this week I’ve been 100% keto and tracked all my calories in… Killin it!

This blog is for me more than anyone else, but it’s my accountability and I’m running with it.  Goal update info time; I made a SCORECARD for my life. Why I haven’t thought of that before I have no idea. I’m a data guy, the scorecard has made great strides with my business why wouldn’t I have one for myself.  The things in the first column of my scorecard are: Current Weight, Current Body Fast % (height method), Calories In/Out, Cash Balace (Debt vs cash), Investment Value.  These things align with my goals as previously discussed likely to add a few things.  But I’ve built other sheets where I just enter basic data each week and it’ll calculate for me.  A nice review and nice progress to the forward growth.

Regarding my personal time, I don’t have a way of tracking that, but I was home by 5pm all but one day this week and only got called out one late night.  Being home early gives me time for walks and to make food, not eat out.  We also moved the rest of our office this week, fuck that’s a lot of work.  I hate moving and do wish I was in a tech business instead of blue collar, I feel like there would be a lot less to move!

There’s a good chance I’ll be the president of our local madd chapter in the coming weeks.  I debate this in a previous post and still debating personally however, my busienss donates a lot of time and energy to this cause already.  I also beleive that I can build and obtain new local relationships that’ll help me both personally and my business continue to grow.  Self serving, maybe but it’s a great message and I stand behind it 100%.  It’s almost counter intuitive to my business as we make money off of impaired drivers.  That being said, I still truly believe that it isn’t worth the risk, and my lift, my families life, my friends lives, my employees lives are at risk from every impaired driver, so I would just rather they don’t.  Maybe by 2035 the government and auto manufacturers will have pulled their heads out of their ass and find some way to manage this from a tehcn perspective rather than having all of these risks.

Sam Parr of My First Million podcast often talks about how we will look back in the future, say 10-50 years from now and be amazed at the things we did.  He’s referened cancer, and how in a few years we’ll likely be looking back not understanding why or how we let cancer grow in our bodies without us know.  Or, that it might be crazy to think the only thing keeping us from crashing into each other at 100km/h (60) is a couple inches of yellow paint on the roadsurface.

I truly belive that ‘impaired driving’ will be one of those things that isn’t very far off.  10ish years we’ll be looking back thinking, “I can’t believe that 10 years ago we used to drive around knowing there was a chance the driver passing us or potentially coming oncoming at us was impaired.”  It’s less and less socially acceptable, but I can tell you from personal experience (my business deals with them every day), there are still all walks of life that are getting caught driving impaired.

At the beginning of this post I had no idea what to write, I opened a blank page and thought “wtf am I gonna write about.”  It truly is amazing what can come out of one’s brain just by letting it flow.



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